Friday, May 17, 2013

4 Methods You Can Use to Build Momentum for Your Home Business Immediately

Let’s be honest here, alright. Have you realized that you’re one of those constantly busy people that believe you just don’t have the available time to get your home business up and running? Well, you’re not alone. Many people I talk to claim they have too much to do and not enough time to do it. They wind up defeating themselves and their business looses momentum and suffers. Or worse yet, never even get started. 

Full time jobs, extra family request, outside commitments, TV, over maintenance of health and many other types of distractions are the primary reasons for them not efficiently building the momentum for their business. You can wind up feeling like your life is spent catering to everyone else's needs and not enough on your truly important goals and desired achievements. You can become so used to not having what it is you desire to where it seems it’s not important to you anymore on the surface. However, this is not the case. What usually happens when this occurs is subconscious sabotage. But your dreams and goals are actually a priority. And especially if you have children or others with whom you have influence upon.

But, I have some good news! You can find and maximize time to build momentum for your home business. All you need is to find “your” the right-time and commit to use that time for your new business only. Maybe try the following strategies to make your home based business burgeon. 

1.)    Document Your Daily Routine
The first thing you’ll need to do is, find a quiet place and write down your schedule. Note and document the start times and end times for events such as, getting ready for work, driving your kids to school, your commute to your day job, gym time and any other weekly commitments you have. Also, remember to include weekends and family time (this is most critical). That time is dedicated specifically for family bonding and peaceful from business engagement. I recommend you honor this time respectably, okay. 
Now after you’ve completed this exercise, you should have a good visual of what your work week looks like. You should see openings in your week. Make your goal easy: try to find two hours you can commit to spend on your business. You should be able to re-prioritize some time. 

2.)    Stick with the Schedule You Created and also Re-Evaluate it
The next thing you need to do is stick with the schedule you made for yourself, have faith to believe you did it right the first time also if that is your hindrance, okay. This can be tough because you’re creating and establishing a new habit. However, and even still, once you get the hang of your new routine, you should always re-evaluate your schedule. You may be able to find more time to spend on your home business.  Sticking with your schedule means you need to discipline yourself to work. This means that you must find a way after work, after little league games, after dinner and after putting the kids to bed. 

3.)    Remember Your Family
Spending time with my family is always a top priority of mine I really do this for them. I have young children so I try to focus on the business when my kids are in bed. I find that using the evening hours works best for me to spend on my business. It seems to be the most quite part of the day, and even know as I’m writing this article.  

If you have to use your family time to spend on your business, make sure you communicate with your family so they have an expectation of what you’re doing. However, I’d recommend you setting a time limit so you can spend that time you want with your family. This will help provide balance for you, a very necessary element with success.

4.)    Embrace Distractions
As we all know, life also throws us off schedule and not much we can do about it at times. But, I encourage you to try your best to embrace that fact, instead of resisting it. If your child stays up late, focus on helping your child quiet down and going the ;) to sleep. Try not to focus on what you could be doing. And don’t worry, the work will still be there when you’re ready for it, okay.
If you must stay late at your day job, then choose to work late. Usually, you’ll find that it’s better just to focus on one thing at a time. You’ll be more efficient and effective. Having a clear and guilt free mind while working on your business creates the utmost of production. 

To handle new ideas that can distract you while you’re working, maybe keep an MP3 Recorder handy so if an idea comes up you can record it or write down the idea in a notebook. You can always prioritize those thoughts at a later time. You might also find that you’re using less energy dealing with distractions instead of resisting them.

So, there is good news after all when it comes to finding the right time to work on your own business. Don’t despair or get frustrated. Just remember, you have total control of your time and you alone can change your habits to build your businesses momentum. Habits are not usually to change, for we are but creatures of habit, okay.

And finally, don't put off the business you can start today. As the days go by and prices get higher, more and more people will be searching for a home based business to supplement or eventually replace their income. With™ we have a step-by-step platform of instructions to help get you off on the right track. You have the potential to earn a substantial amount of income from only working part-time at home. Anywhere from a few hundred dollars per month to an impressive full-time income that would rival the earnings of many corporate CEO's.

Get started now to be at the forefront of this exciting movement. The Dollar IT Up™ Movement, stay dollared-up my friends and™ today for your alternate way to get paid.


The Dollared Up

Thursday, May 16, 2013

1Focus and Develop A Well-Defined Niche Market for Your Greater Success

Let me ask you this... "What do most people go online for?"  If you said "INFORMATION" - then you have answered correctly.
But of course, that is, and most likely always will be the primary function of the internet, and will always be the main reason people come online.  So, with that in mind, you should now have a good idea as to why Niche Content Sites are the way to go if you’re looking to build a home-based business or a network of sites that will generate a nice residual income for years to come, and will steadily grow over time on their own all by using other peoples content, resources and products.
Now that you have the idea, for the rest of this article I'd like to share with you some 5 top reasons you should seriously consider building your own network of Niche Content Sites.  As well, at the end I will show you a few examples of what kinds of Niche Content Sites you can build. So let’s go ahead and review the 5 top reasons you should consider building your own network of Niche Content Sites.

1.)    Search Engines Love Them
If you didn't know now that Search Engines love content well boom, here you are. The more content you have to offer, the more pages you'll get listed within the search engines, which then gives you more exposure to your target audience from within the search engines and more chances for you to earn a profit, which will be explained in more detail in a few minutes.
Search Engine Optimization, or (SEO) is a great way to grow and advance your business, and give your audience what they're looking for all at the same time. Plus this gets the Search Engine spiders to return for regular indexing. This especially works great with blogging and press release article pages.

2.)    Your Niche Content Sites Can Grow Almost Effortlessly
Content is literally the FUEL that powers the internet and even more so, is one of the most effective ways to grow your own business online and establish a presence.
What I mean by that is there are literally thousands of content publishers out there on the web looking for places to submit their content for publication. So, depending your chosen niche, you’ll always have an abundance of content to continually grow your network of Niche Content Sites no matter who your target audience is.
We will also be giving you some examples of some Niche Content Sites toward the end of this article to give you some idea of what you can expect.

3.)    The Information is Targeted Toward your Niche.
Niche Content Sites are as simple as the name states, and even more so, the information in which it contains primarily targets your “target audience” and feeds their desire for information. Remember what we mentioned earlier about why people come online in the first place?
You’re simply giving them what it is they truly desired, and making a profit from it at the same time, which I'll explain in more detail in the last two paragraphs of this article, okay.

4.)    Get Paid for Other Peoples Work. (GPOP Work)
With the rising popularity of Google's Adsense program and the profits that can be made from other peoples content using Google Adsense, this gives people even more incentive to build a network of Niche Content Sites, because of the residual income you can make through Google's Adsense program alone.
Here’s the trick though... the more pages you have listed, the more opportunity you have to generate BIG Google Adsense paychecks, all from someone else's work. There are certain rules and regulations in regards to getting setup with Google’s Adsense, however they can be worth the effort if you are going to be consistent with posting content. As well, you must have the right platform with consistent related content. For more information about Google Adsense, click here.

5.)    Get Paid Through Targeted Affiliate Programs
Would you like to get paid between 30 - 70% even in your sleep, by offering targeted affiliate programs about the content within your Niche Content Sites? That's right, get paid for referring other peoples products that directly reflect the content in which your Niche Content site offers and what your target audience is looking for.
By having a Niche Content Site with targeted content, this gives you a great opportunity to help Pre-Sell your target audience to want to get more information, information for which they want and must pay for.
So, let me ask? Are the 5 previous reasons good enough for you to get started with your own network of Niche Content Sites? Of course only you can answer that question. It was reason enough for me, and the real cool thing is that, if you don't want to, you don’t have to produce any of the content yourself. You can use other people’s products to make a profit, plus Google’s Adsense. Just imagine what a network of 30 to 50 of these sites would bring in. I could ramble on but I think you get the picture.

Well we have come to the end but, if you are someone who is serious about starting an online business and want to Earn money While you’re learning how to grow your online business. Than simply visit and we can get you all the training you’ll need to begin to become successful online. You can do this starting FREE of charge. Go to now to get started, and yes I did say it’s free to start, so go now what are you waiting for? Stay dollared-up and DollarITup™ with
Don't put off the business you can start today. As the days go by and prices get higher, more and more people will be searching for a home based business or the like, to supplement or eventually replace their income. With™ we have a step-by-step platform of instructions to help get you off on the right track. You have the potential to earn a substantial amount of income also residual income from only working part-time at home. Anywhere from a few hundred dollars per month to an impressive full-time income that would rival the earnings of many corporate CEO's.
Get started now to be at the forefront of this exciting movement. The DollarITup™ Movement, stay dollared-up my friends and™ today for your alternate way to get paid.


The Dollared Up
P.s. Learn something new everyday.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Focus Is the Key to Online Business Success and Success in Life

Focus is the key to online business success and success in life, in general.  In online business, as well as any other business and in life period, really, focus is your foundation. The Internet has a vast sea of online business opportunities that can easily become overwhelming.  If you get lost in this expansive ocean, then you’re going to be at a loose end in the middle without direction and will eventually drown or give up. It is important to stick to the principles of results, which include, focus, presentation, repetition, and persistence. If you know who and what you’re targeting and the results you want, than you’ll be able to head straight for it without getting too distracted. Here are a few things that you should really focus on in your online business so you won’t be set adrift.


Before you can start marketing your online business, you really need to know who is going to utilize your business. If you’re selling something, make sure you know who will want to buy it. If you’re operating a blog, make sure you know who is going to read it. Once you know your online business’s target audience, you can begin to market to them. When you’re marketing, make sure that you're marketing to your target audience.

Everyone isn’t going to want your product, in fact if you use the general marketing statistics. It states that only about 1%-3% of the audience you initially engage will only buy your product. That’s an unfortunate truth that many business owners refuse to acknowledge, and they eventually drown because of it. If you know who does want your product or service, then you won’t waste time or money marketing to the people who don’t. Focusing on a specific, targeted audience can be the difference between success and failure in not only an online business but business in general.

(NOTE: The number 1 reason most businesses fail is due to the lack of sales from the lack of having the proper prospects. The number 1 focus for any business after it is ready to go to market is prospecting. This process should to NEVER end, as one of my mentors James Malinchak from says, “Always be marketing, you are not in business for what you’re in business for, you are in the business of marketing.)


Make sure that your online business does not stray away from itself. For example, if you have a website that sells jewelry, don’t start selling backpacks at random. If you feel that backpacks complement your jewelry than great, by all means, sell them together. However, you must change both your online business and your marketing strategy so that the jewelry and backpacks are integrated and sell together naturally. You have to show, or make clear somehow, the link between the two so that your target audience understands. 

Likewise, if you’re running a more informational based online business, like a blog, make sure your content stays integrated. If your blog is about fiction writing, then keep it about fiction writing; if it is about clothes, keep it about clothes. Again, you can introduce other topics to the blog that you feel complements your blog’s topic; however, make sure the connection between the subjects are clear. A confused customer is a hesitant customer, and hesitation is the first step towards not buying something, right?


An online business is often the consequence of a big dream for the future. Without these big dreams, an online business is like a movie without any themes. It may be cool to watch, but it has no meaning. Without dreams, big ideas, and hope, your online business will fail. But failure is also certain if you get so caught up in the dream and you don’t take the necessary day-to-day actions that come along with any business. Make specific goals that you want to reach in your online business every day, every week, every month, and focus on meeting those goals, not on achieving your overall dream. Baby steps.

Focusing on goals gives your online business overall focus, the best time I’d say to consider your dream is when you’re making goals. Absolutely make sure that each goal will lead to the fulfillment of your dream, however, focus on the completion of your goals to fulfill the dream. As well, inside of those goals should include a work schedule. Create a goal to stick with a specific work schedule, and treat that schedule as if you were being employed by a "real job" employer. The truth is, when you become self-employed, you are a real employee and you do create your own job. You are the primary person responsible for your finances, not someone else.

Don’t be fooled by the “norm” that being self-employed is not real employment or a real job. Most people are too afraid to become self-employed and so they use mind tricks to say that being self-employed isn’t really a job. When the facts are, it’s more than a job, it’s courage, responsibility, it’s challenging, it’s true self progress and it’s rewarding when you succeed. People don’t seem to realize that the OWNERS of ALL companies are self-employed and are on 100% commissions. The owners are the bosses of the people telling other people that being self-employed is not a real job…? 


Once you’ve learned about something and you’ve begun to take action with it. It’s important to continue to learn more ways to be better at it. A big mistake a lot of people make is complacency. Just because you’ve learned something and are having results from it, doesn’t mean you know everything you only need to know. In this topic it addresses “focusness” so I would like to make a recommendation that can help you greatly improve your focus. There is a book titled “The Power of Concentration” by Theron Q. Dumont, 1918. This book reveals practical ways to help you develop your focus, I am not giving this book justice just by telling it in such a way. But this book can actually help you to get good results and change your life around, and I highly recommend it.

Well this is the end. I’ve revealed some key methods to being successful in life. If you begin to learn more about these methods and practice them and stay consistent with it, you will get results.

If you are someone who is serious and are looking to learn and Earn while you learn, how to generate more traffic or want to start your own online Company/Business. Visit and we can get you all the training you’ll need to begin to become successful online and offline. You can start this FREE of charge, and you’ll be working with Fortune 500 companies. Simply go to right now to get started, and yes I did say it’s free to start, so go now, what are you waiting for? Stay dollared-up my people and DollarITup™ with


Dollared Up

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